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To perform the role of Secretary as set out in The Constitution and to produce and distribute minutes in a timely manner.

Key tasks & responsibilities

  • Liaise with the President to ensure that the responsibilities of the Secretary, as set out in The Constitution, are met.
  • As soon as possible after each meeting, record and type minutes of monthly committee ensuring action points are noted.
  • Liaise with President re correspondence and drafts of minutes. Record correspondence for Committee and respond to correspondence as advised by the Committee.
  • Distribute meeting minutes to all committee members no later than one week after each meeting.
  • Have minutes signed by President at each meeting at which they are confirmed, whether or not changes have been minuted.
  • File all minutes and keep all reports presented to Committee after relevant minutes.
  • Record and type minutes of AGM and Special General Meetings and file these, to be read later at next AGM.
  • Follow up newly elected Committee and skilled members and notify them of meeting dates and handover details.
  • Participate in Committee decision-making and voting.
  • Perform the role of Public Officer (it is common practice for the Secretary to be elected at the AGM to perform the role of Public Officer).

Public Officer Objective: To perform the statutory requirements of the Toy Library’s nominated Public Officer.

  • Notify Consumer and Business Affairs Queensland of appointment of Public Officer within 14 days.
  • Lodge Annual Return with Consumer and Business Affairs Queensland within one month after the Toy Library’s Annual General Meeting.
  • Notify Consumer and Business Affairs Queensland of any changes made to The Constitution at Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting within 28 days.
  • Be responsible for the custody of the Common Seal and produce any of the Toy Library’s books to the Registrar if required.


  • Minutes folder in Dropbox
  • Common Seal

Contact Person For

  • Meeting Minutes

Desirable Skills

  • Organised
  • Basic software experience & computer skills
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